Dresses of dances for Latina.
The dress main task on Latina - to underline dynamics of dance. Here there is possibility to the full to express the bright not ordinary style. From Latina the partner waits not only external beauty of dress, she waits - sexualities and conveniences in movement. These are short, opened (but no more, than it is necessary by rules!) and dynamical dresses with various furnish. The ornament of Latina fringe, flounces, frills, feathers, say, all that visually strengthens movement is popular.picture by Vlad B. (c) flickr
Important: Remember about colour, the form of the cowards, the closed area of breast and the minimum length of skirt at suit tailoring on Latina.
The most widespread styles of dresses on the Latina:
Top and the super-short direct skirt, connected by thin crosspiece among themselves. The model is supplemented often with collar and bracelets. On skirt fragmentarily (on each side or only behind) flounces, fringe or their combination can be scribbled.
the Closed fitting dress with long sleeve and collar-rack. Distinctive features - strong asymmetry on bottom (from hip on the one hand to shin - with another), the lateral cut, the cut out back. Such dresses decorate often passing with Front on back application. Asymmetry in cut and applications perfectly underlines dynamics of dance.
Dresses on the Latin American program differ sexual cut and dynamical lines, they should strengthen energy of movement of pair and show the partner to the best advantage. One of the most popular means for this purpose are the fringe and flounces.
the Minidress on the shoulder-straps, created on the basis of bathing suit with open back. Often such dress has additional dredging in front and sideways. The most popular decor of such styles - fringe. Fringe sew on circles (it is horizontal or on diagonal) for all length of dress or partially, is combined with fringe of other colour and different length.
Siluetnoe fitting dress closed in front and very opened behind, collar-rack, long sleeve, skirt with asymmetry (for example, short in front, long - behind). Such dresses look very effectively on parquet and are frequently deprived any additional furnish as the fine-moulded silhouette on faultless figure is in itself ornament.
the Stylized dress a la Moulin Rouge - bright corset and magnificent skirt from flounces and feathers. As well as in all dresses on Latina, here the tiny skirt in front passes in extended and magnificent behind. The tail-loop received as a result creates to the partner bright and dynamical image.
the variant of combination of short skirt and bra is very popular. To fulfil requirements of rules to suit on Latina, ensemble supplement with free asymmetric drapery from shoulder width of overlapping on waist. Sometimes this detail is transformed to sleeve esque "bat". As a whole for such ensemble three parts are characteristic: asymmetric detail топа (with sleeve or without), the bra fitted by fabric of suit, and miniskirt (simple straight line, with the lateral cuts sewed by flounces etc. on taste).